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I really had to smile this evening when I looked at the stats for my current popular pages and found that a post about the first STEAM HUNT was in the weekly mix. This isn't that photo, but this IS a photo from my all time most popular blog post (since Blogger started keeping track a year or so ago anyway).   I am guessing people found that entry over the years while looking up info on a current or upcoming STEAM hunt.

That "You've come a long way baby" saying is definitely meant for my photography skills.  A little over two years CAN make a difference. We learn everyday.

The fifth hunt starts September 1, 2011. As usual there is little info to be found. Join the hunt group to get a list of all the SLURLs in notecard form. And where pray tell can you find the group to join?  Search for  "STEAM Hunt Punks" under groups. Three top store picks on my list that I will surely be visiting are Noctis, The Julia Collection, and Builders Brewery. Head to one of those shops if you are looking for a good starting spot.

I am going to make an effort to do most of the hunt this season.  I was a retailer last hunt and I was so very depressed by the nastiness of some of the vendors that I quit hunting AND quit the group. This year I am just a hunter so I will miss the drama.  If I find anything wonderful, I will be sure and share!  Historically it is much less stressful to wait until day 3 when everyone (hopefully) has their goodies out. This is traditionally one of the most creative hunts on the grid, so if you like steampunk, don't miss it.

It was fun to take a look back.


Anonymous said…
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Chic Aeon said…
Someone sent in a comment on this post with "have to hand it to you. You are always so holier than thou" as the message. I did publish it, but since the rules above have always said to add your name when posting as anonymous, I deleted it after some thought. I am leaving the theme of the message however. I don't see it that way, but people have a right to their opinion. If you WANT your comment posted, you do need to at least be willing to sign your name :D.

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